Our furnaces are already on full blast this year, so we probably haven\’t been the only ones to tell you that furnace maintenance is absolutely vital. Without the power of a well-maintained system, the below zero temperatures that are common in our area will begin to harm your quality of life. Parts of your home will freeze, pipes will burst, and there will be expensive repairs in the future.
That doesn\’t mean that furnace maintenance has to be complicated or a hassle! There\’s a set of unique benefits that heater maintenance could provide you, from an increase in your personal safety to a lower heating bill. Also, stop thinking that we\’ll have to disrupt your life if we find something wrong with your heater—our heat guarantee states that we will put you and your family in a hotel for the night as well as supply electric heaters for your home because we care that much.
So, stop worrying and get to reading. We want you to prioritize furnace services in Calgary, AB as much as we do!
Benefits of Quality Maintenance
Many homeowners mistakenly view heater maintenance as optional. If this is your opinion, we highly advise that you change it. Heaters function for extended periods of time when they heat our home, providing a service that (in our climate) we can\’t live without.
Skipping maintenance even for one year can increase the likelihood of repairs in the future, lower the overall efficiency and longevity of the system, and adding to your stress as you\’ll never know with certainty what condition your system is in.
Decrease the Frequency of Repairs
Heaters are composed of many interlocking components that must work together in order to provide the necessary heat your home needs. When one or two of these parts begin to lose lubrication, break apart, or get ground down, the whole system can begin to experience problems.
Heater maintenance equates to a licensed professional performing a thorough inspection of your system for any of these parts. If anything looks out of the ordinary, seems broken, or is obviously showing signs of normal wear and tear, a professional technician can address it and sometimes even repair it on the spot. That\’s less you have to worry about!
Increase the Efficiency of Your Heater
Heaters are incredibly efficient systems. They\’re all about burning or consuming as little fuel as possible while maximizing the heat produced in your home. That\’s why there aren\’t many homes that use wood fireplaces anymore to keep them heated—they\’re an expensive and inefficient solution to your heating problem.
That being said, over time these heaters, (whether they\’re gas furnaces, boilers, or any system) will lose their efficiency because of the wear and tear they\’re experiencing. They just won\’t function as they used to and it will cost you money on higher heating bills.
Not a Sales Pitch
This is not about picking up customers with our heating plan. To be blatantly honest, we\’re concerned about a lot of households in our community being able to keep up with our incredibly low temperatures here in Calgary. Our goal is to provide quality heating to our community in an affordable way, and speaking up about heater maintenance is a good place to start.
Why not hire the best team in the area for your heater maintenance? Call Shift Air Mechanical Ltd. Shift Air tests, doesn\’t guess!